Mischief, Mischief & More - Gelsey Kirkland Ballet

On Sunday, I saw the last performance of GKB's "Mischief, Mischief & More" mixed bill of ballet.

It is just fun to see this company of young dancers get better and better with each performance.  Dawn Gierling led the opening piece "Harlequinade" and was partnered by an impressive Johnny Almeida.  Once again, Kaito Yamamoto stole the show in a bit part as a spurned Bridegroom.  I also enjoyed Sabina Alvarez as Pierette.  The corps was tight and well rehearsed. One dancer stood out with a lovely demeanor and expressive movement.  I was sorry that I was unable to verify her name.  Everyone, however, was light faced and natural.  There were no forced smiles or grimaces in the bunch.

The centerpiece of the mixed bill was Leonid Yakobson's The Wedding Procession.  The style of it reminded of Kurt Jooss' The Green Table.  Not the subject matter but in the modern, angular style and strong emphasis on acting.  And GKB acted up a storm.  Kailee Felix and Anderson Souza were very in control of the style and the acting.  Once again, Kaito Yamamoto stood out again while dancing only a bit part as the Rabbi.

The company put all their energy to end the program with Walpurgis Nacht.  Nina Yoshida was fantastic and without fear.  She and her partner, Gustavo Ramirez, performed some tricky dead lifts that could be hair raising for a female dancer.  It all came off looking spectacular.  The corps was again enthusiastic and well-rehearsed.

This small company does fine work and more than prove the validity of Kirkland's teaching syllabus stressing drama.

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